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Miniboxed Scala Functions

This article describes work in progress and should not be treated as final. There are known bugs that negatively affect the performance of the Function interoperation mechanism, and that we did not fix yet.

This page describes how the miniboxing plugin transforms higher-order functions to avoid boxing.

Executive summary: starting version 0.4 of the plugin, miniboxed code is capable of invoking Scala functions, such as (x: Int) => x + 1 without boxing the argument and the returned value.


The miniboxing plugin aims at maintaining the high-level nature of the Scala programming language while eliminating the cost of abstraction in terms of running time for generics. Since Scala marries the functional programming style and object-orientation, in the Scala world, functions are objects and objects can be functions. Expressing the types of a function’s arguments and its return type is done using generics, so this leads to a natural question:

Can higher-order functions be optimized by miniboxing too?

The answer so far has been NO, since functions have a fixed representation implemented in the Scala standard library, and, for reasons described here it is not possible for miniboxing to directly optimize functions.

Now, version 0.4 of the miniboxing plugin automatically optimizes functions, and the results are really cool!


Previous miniboxing plugin versions required defining your own function representation to avoid boxing:

 trait MyFunc1[@miniboxed -T, @miniboxed +S] {
   def apply(t: T): S

With a custom function representation, the miniboxing plugin was able to transform both the function representation and the caller code to completely avoid boxing value types. Yet, this forced programmers to perform desugaring by hand. For example, instead of writing (x: Int) => x + 1, they would have to write:

 new MyFunc1[Int, Int] {
   def apply(t: Int): Int = x + 1

What a waste! So why exactly was miniboxing unable to improve standard Scala functions? Because standard functions are compiled without the miniboxing compiler plugin – even worse, they’re compiled with the incompatible specialization transformation (see this bug for reference).

Now, since version 0.4, the miniboxing plugin, standard Scala functions can be efficiently used by miniboxed code. To get there, the miniboxing plugin now introduces three tweaked versions of the function representation for 0, 1 and 2 arguments:

package miniboxing.runtime

trait MiniboxedFunction0[@miniboxed +R] {
  def f: Function0[R]
  def apply(): R

trait MiniboxedFunction1[@miniboxed -T1, @miniboxed +R] {
  def f: Function1[T1, R]
  def apply(t1: T1): R

trait MiniboxedFunction2[@miniboxed -T1, @miniboxed -T2, @miniboxed +R] {
  def f: Function2[T1, T2, R]
  def apply(t1: T1, t2: T2): R

It automatically wraps standard Scala functions into MiniboxedFunctions and modifies the signatures of methods to use them:

$ cat func.scala

object Test {
  val f: Function1[Int, Int] = (x: Int) => x

$ mb-scalac func.scala -Xprint:minibox-commit
[[syntax trees at end of            minibox-commit]] // func.scala
package <empty> {
  object Test extends Object {
    val f: miniboxing.runtime.MiniboxedFunction1[Int,Int] = ... // <= notice the type change:
                                                                // Function1 => MiniboxedFunction1
    def f(): miniboxing.runtime.MiniboxedFunction1[Int,Int] = Test.this.f

The fact that the last line calls apply_JJ means that the argument and return type are miniboxed, thus optimized. On the other hand, how exactly does the bridging between Function and MiniboxedFunction take place?

We won’t go into details, but here is how Scala would normally encode f, without the miniboxing plugin:

  val f: Function1[Int,Int] = {
    @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends
            scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int,Int] with Serializable {
      final def apply(x: Int): Int = x
    new <$anon: Int => Int>(): Int => Int)

The block defines an anonymous class $anon which extends the Function1 trait and implements the apply method. Now, when the miniboxing plugin is active, this is:

  val f: miniboxing.runtime.MiniboxedFunction1[Int,Int] = {
    @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends
            scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int,Int] with Serializable {
      final def apply(x: Int): Int = x
    MiniboxedFunctionBridge.this.function1_opt_bridge_long_long[Int, Int]( // <== added wrapper
        5, 5, (new <$anon: Int => Int>(): Int => Int))                     // around the function

But what exactly does the MiniboxedFunctionBridge.this.function1_opt_bridge_long_long method do? It actually transforms the instance of Function1 into a MiniboxedFunction1:

  def function1_opt_bridge_long_long[T, R](T_Tag: Byte, R_Tag: Byte, _f: Function1[T, R]):
                                                                 MiniboxedFunction1[T, R] =
    ((T_Tag + R_Tag * 10) match {
      case 55 /* INT + INT * 10 */ =>
        val _f_cast = _f.asInstanceOf[Function1[Int, Int]]
        new MiniboxedFunction1[Int, Int] {
          def f: Function1[Int, Int] = _f_cast
          def apply(arg1: Int): Int = _f_cast.apply(arg1)
      case _ =>
    }).asInstanceOf[MiniboxedFunction1[T, R]]

This doesn’t look very optimal, but oh it is! After compiling and letting both miniboxing and specialization do their magic, the case actually looks like (warning: heavily simplified):

      case 55 =>
        val _f_cast = _f.asInstanceOf[Function1[Int, Int]]
        new MiniboxedFunction1_JJ[Int, Int](INT, INT) {
          def f: Function1[Int, Int] = _f_cast
          def apply_JJ(T_Tag: Byte, arg1: Long): Long = // callee for miniboxed sites => no boxing
            _f_cast.apply$mcII$sp(long2int(arg1))       // call to specialized code   => no boxing

The bridge basically wraps the Function1 in a MiniboxedFunction1, offering a call site where miniboxing can call and which, when called, invokes the specialized variant, thus avoiding boxing completely. This is the change necessary for the miniboxing plugin to avoid boxing when calling functions.

The key insight is that once the MiniboxedFunction1 was created, there is no dispatching overhead – the class created knows exactly how to call the specialized function code, such that it avoids boxing. Alternative approaches, such as changing the apply method to a special call would actually perform the match on each invocation, significantly slowing down execution.

Of course, this also comes with a couple of drawbacks:


How does this code interoperate with the previous representation? Let us take the following example:


where f was defined earlier and is of type MiniboxedFunction1[Int, Int]. The Set collection is the immutable Set from the Scala library. It is compiled without the miniboxing plugin, therefore its signature expects a Function1 and not a MiniboxedFunction1. How does the miniboxing plugin transform this?

Well, when a MiniboxedFunctionX is given and FunctionX is expected, since miniboxed functions wrap functions, it’s just a matter of extracting the FunctionX:

  Set(1,2,3).map(f.f() /* defined by the bridge as "def f: Function1[Int, Int]" */)

This said, let us see how this mechanism performs in practice.


We performed the benchmarks on the least squares method implemented using a mockup of the Scala immutable linked list implemetation:

In the graph, the following scenarios are shown:

The numbers (raw data avaialable here):

Collection size Miniboxed / custom functions (ms) Miniboxed / library functions (ms) Generic (ms)
100000 15 19 27
200000 31 38 55
300000 48 57 82
400000 63 76 112
500000 79 91 140
600000 96 110 169
700000 110 132 193
800000 128 155 219
900000 145 170 253
1000000 165 191 277
1100000 179 214 305
1200000 192 232 335
1300000 213 250 362
1400000 226 273 393
1500000 244 286 419
1600000 262 309 456
1700000 275 328 485
1800000 290 342 503
1900000 303 364 534
2000000 317 391 542


This article presents the mechanism implemented in miniboxing to allow efficient interoperation with higher-order functions using the standard Scala object-oriented representation. There are three take home points:


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